Plum Moth Pheromone Traps & Refills


Choose Option: Trap
Sale price£9.99


The main cause of maggot damage to plums and gages is the caterpillar of the plum fruit moth. Our plum fruit moth trap uses a natural 'pheromone' scent from the female moth to attract and capture male moths.

Protect your plum trees from maggot infestations with our plum moth pheromone trap, a simple and effective solution for reducing fruit damage caused by plum moths.

Benefits of Using the Plum Moth Pheromone Trap

  • The pheromone lure attracts male plum moths, preventing them from mating.
  • Helps prevent maggot infestations by disrupting the life cycle of the plum moth.
  • Simply hang the trap in your tree and replace the lure every 5 weeks.
  • Pesticide-free and safe for beneficial insects.

How the Plum Moth Trap Works

  1. The pheromone lure attracts male plum moths to the trap.
  2. The sticky surface inside the trap captures the moths.
  3. By reducing the number of male moths, the number of fertilised female moths is also reduced.

Place the trap in your garden at the end of May or after petal drop. If spring weather is exceptionally warm, or in sheltered urban gardens, it may be beneficial to install the trap in mid-May.

One trap can monitor up to three average-sized trees. Hang the trap at head height on the windward side of the tree or group of trees for optimal results.

The trap provides everything you need for one year of use, and the refill allows for continued use in a second year.

Trap Package Includes:

1 trap with hanging wires
2 sticky inserts
2 pheromone lures

Refill Package Includes:

2 sticky inserts
2 pheromone lures

Trap and Refill Package Includes:

Trap and Refill:
1 trap with hanging wires
4 sticky inserts
4 pheromone lures

2 x Refill Package Includes:

2 x Refill:
4 sticky inserts
4 pheromone lures

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