Tubular greenhouse heaters

How to choose the right size and wattage of tubular heaters for your greenhouse

These aluminium Tubular Heaters are rated at approximately 60 watts per foot (30cm). The wattage of each heater available in the range is shown below:

Heater Length Wattage
1' 31cm 60w
2' 61cm 120w
3' 91cm 180w
4' 122cm 240w

Very roughly speaking, to maintain a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit / 15 degrees Celcius you’ll need approximately 25 watts of power per sq. ft. of floor area. E.g. 1KW would heat approximately 40 sq.ft. (5ft x 8ft).

To calculate the heater or number of heaters you’ll require within your greenhouse is affected by several factors:

(1) The size of the greenhouse
(2) Whether the greenhouse is insulated or not
(3) The external temperature
(4) The internal temperature required.

It is therefore only possible for us to provide you with a rough guide as to the tubular heater(s) you’ll require. The table shown below shows you the wattage required to keep your greenhouse frost-free – whether insulated or not insulated – and the possible combination of heaters required to achieve this:

Greenhouse Size Insulated Wattage Required Quantity / Size
6' x 8' / 1.8m x 2.4m yes 936w 4 x 4ft
6' x 8' / 1.8m x 2.4m no 1170w 5 x 4ft
8' x 8' / 2.4m x 2.4m yes 1123w 5 x 4ft
8' x 8' / 2.4m x 2.4m no 1404w 6 x 4ft 
8' x 10' / 2.4m x 3.0m yes 1310w 5 x 4ft + 1 x 2ft
8' x 10' / 2.4m x 3.0m no 1638w 7 x 4ft
8' x 12' / 2.4m x 3.6m  yes 1497w 6 x 4ft + 1 x 1ft
8' x 12' / 2.4m x 3.6m  no 1872w 8 x 4ft
10' x 12' / 3m x 3.6m yes 2059w 8 x 4ft + 1 x 3ft
10' x 12' / 3m x 3.6m no 2574w 10 x 4ft + 1 x 3ft

The table above illustrates how important insulating your greenhouse can be.

Greenhouse Insulation

Heatsheets Insulation 
By simply lining your greenhouse with Heatsheets you'll reduce the size or number of heaters you’ll require to keep your greenhouse warm.

Easy to install you can save up to 50% of your heating costs by insulating your greenhouse. 

Click here to see full details.


Tubular Heaters have been designed to be left running constantly (and switched off when not needed) as they have an output of 60w per foot.

However, by attaching a thermostat to the heater – for example, our Root!t Thermostat – you’ll ensure your heaters are only run when needed to maintain the temperature you specify and will turn off and on automatically.

Root!t Thermostat